Many of yall know Jakester for his funny and entertaining TikTok's that he's gone viral for but there's way more then meets the eye to this character. As a person with multiple perspectives of the underground community, jakester, is a perfect example of not needing to just stick to one path. In this interview we'll dive into his headspace as a creative and gain more insight on the professional side of Jakester.

Who are you and what do you do?
I am Jakester, I am a content creator, twitch streamer, artist & producer manager, and I host shows, song wars, beat battles and other artist competitions.
How and when did you start doing what you do?
I been listening to underground music for a long time now, but I started posting underground tiktoks last year, they took off around september - october 2023. I hosted my first Atlanta show August 10th with Rroxket, Skyte, Capzlock, SkinnyBoyCJ, Kahleation, Mitaya & Yung Smiley!
How important is it to explore different routes and not just focus on one thing?
It was very important for me because i didn’t want to be known as a troll or a “tiktoker", I knew what I could do and the change I can make for the community! Exploring different routes showed me how much fun it is to stream, do song wars in my discord, host and go to shows in different cities, and connecting with artists, producers and creatives! It shows how great the underground community is!
What’s the best way to connect with artists as a creative?
I would say Insta & Discord right now, For artists I would say join underground discords and participate in song wars & music reviews. My discord just hit 1,000 members and we host multiple events a week! Also artists should be postings reels at least twice a week in my opinion! I recommend artists locking in with creatives like Young Tensai, Saint Klout, Hashtags IRL, ForTheYouth & WokeUpFucked! All those creators host song wars, shows, and artist competitions weekly just like me :)
How do you keep track of organizing your time considering you do shows, streams, videos, and management?
Google Calendar 😭 there are definitely better ways to organize your time fs. I also have a to do list I have everyday and I go in order, that’s how I organize my tasks throughout the day for everything! I'm very fortunate tho so this is my full time job, so I wake up everyday and start grinding!
What’s some advice you’d give about being consistent with content?
I know it’s not easy to post content everyday, but I look at the bigger picture and see that content is the reason a lot of creatives, clothing brands, artists and producers are going up! Take advantage of the platforms given right now! Tiktok & Insta can be your best friends if you take advantage of them!
What are some of the best ways artists can put themselves out there and get noticed more? Your community needs to be genuine, and that starts with you! If your not genuine your community will be toxic! I believe I am building one of the most positive music community there is right now! I would recommend making everyone feel welcome and make them feel comfortable to participate in events and want to perform at shows!
What are some things you’d change about the underground to make it better?
A lot of people like to hate on others. Especially others tryna be different. The underground is full of toxicity! I am trying to make a change to make the underground less toxic. I am working on starting the unification process in the underground and have real music be more appreciated!
What are some of the craziest moments you’ve experienced so far in the underground community?
I would say my first Atlanta show and Kahleation first show in Orlando! It was two great experiences having Rroxket & Kahleation perform for the first time in Atlanta! Then a month later, Kahleation and I went to Orlando and he performed at Brennan Jones first show. It was an unforgettable experience and I am so grateful for the opportunities I have been given!
Who are some artists you’ve been listening to recently or want to put on?
Kahleation, Nuudini, Percaso, Reddglk, Whotfis2k, Dxrop, La Murdah, Kaydo Juju, NoSkope, Bravvo Hunnids, Lil Meez, Lade, LesGoKev, JWasabi, Baby Keyy, Stuulo, Xtsy, Maxon Margeila, Heffie, Aytijay, there are so many I am sorry if I forgot anybody :(